Friday, December 7, 2012

Aikido Enbutaikai

Well! Looks like I have a lot of videos displayed on Youtube, and even more buried in my Unlisted section.

Here's one that I ran across just now of our Aikido demonstration back in October. I had to keep it unlisted so that it wouldn't dwarf Gangnam Style's popularity right away. The action is just too intense. 

Not only is it a demonstration of a traditional Japanese martial art, but it's also a perfect example of Japanese ceremonies. Announcing, bowing, giving everyone a turn, bowing some more, and an absolutely infinite supply of patience from the audience. There were about two hours of demonstrations like this from all the different schools in the prefecture. From age 3 to 80 (or so it looked!), everyone was about to show off what they've been learning to a friendly, supportive crowd. 

At the end we got to watch the Master go at it with all the other school heads. Here's a video of him beating up our teacher, and here's a choreographed fight to finish it up with. Watching him made me see where they got the idea for Yoda. Also, on the last video, note how much time he spends contemplating the Japanese flag before bowing. All in all, pretty cool event. :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Just Thinkin'

Just some recent thoughts, in no particular order.

When making my students' final exams, I have all the power!
    It's fun to know that I won't be taking it. Hah!

Fruit might as well be another variety of candy. It's so delicious!
    I've been eating mikan, or mandarin oranges like crazy these days. About 24 per week.

Beauty is one thing, but many a plain face looks beautiful when there's a smile on the lips and life in the eyes.
   Interview tests have given me plenty of time to reflect on my students' faces. I've always thought the energetic kids were extra cute (they are!), but there's nothing that different in their physical makeup. What really makes them stand out is the energy that bubbles out from within.

My bed is the bomb.
  It's all winterized now, which means a fuzzy-wuzzy sheet on the bottom, thick fuzzy blanket as the top 'sheet', a down comforter, and another comforter on top of that. Every night I climb into bed with my rice bag and get smothered by the weight of warmth. I love it!

I'll be home for Christmas!!!!!!
  If ever my thoughts wander these days, it's to this. Only two weeks away! "What do you miss most about America?" someone asked me, and it's definitely the people. Japan is very livable, but there is no substitute for the sweet faces of people I've known all my life. Until those reunions, though, I have a lot to finish up around here!