Friday, June 17, 2011


Tokushima, Tokushima!

It's like a sweet little treasure in my mouth to say the name of my new home. News of my acceptance into JET came two months ago, but it wasn't until yesterday that my placement was narrowed down to a specific prefecture. It hasn't seemed quite so real until now that I can point to a map and look up touristy information. The town has yet to be named, but this is good enough for me for now. There is also a good chance that I'll be working with highschool students, possibly rotating between a few schools.
It looks like the area is fairly agricultural, so I can skip through rice fields all day long, if I like. Also, there are mountains of mountains in the area. That'll making biking more arduous, but I can't wait to do some hiking up those many beautiful slopes! My biggest worry about this particular place is the weather. It's labeled as a humid subtropical type, and is roughly the same latitude as southern California. Now, we complain about humid summers in Minnesota, but I can't imagine what it will be like going to a place with "humid" in its climate name...

I was so excited yesterday that I sent out a lengthy email to most of my friends and family that have been asking for information(and some who haven't ;) ). In retrospect, it seems a little old fashioned. But then, how is it that email can be a classical form of communication already? Afterward I realized that facebook was a much better method of broadcasting the news. Oh well!

By whatever means it may be, I'll try to keep everyone updated!

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